A Game-Changer in Esthetics and a way to stay looking like your younger self, naturally!
Beautiful skin is an ongoing journey and many of you have been on this journey with us at Radiance for several years. Aging gracefully with a more natural look is the desire of many. So, exactly how can we achieve this? Sculptra Aesthetic is a game-changer and offers us an effective treatment that has been scientifically proven by multiple clinical studies to improve your skin’s appearance over time. With 24 years under its belt, and with the most prominent data coming from a set of four studies used to support its FDA approval, evaluating its effectiveness in treating facial fat loss (lipoatrophy) associated with HIV, demonstrating its safety and efficacy through skin thickness measurements and photographs across the study participants. Sculptra is an injectable treatment that promotes collagen production, aids in the natural restorative processes of our tissues and contributes to a more youthful appearance by gradually reducing wrinkles and facial lines. Patience and time equal a more youthful you!
A quick refresher on what collagen actually is - It is a strong, flexible fibrous type of protein that is found throughout our bodies, including bones, muscles, tendons and most importantly for this discussion-in the middle or dermis layer of our skin. It is the support structure or scaffolding that maintains our skin shape.
Age-related collagen loss weakens the skin’s inner structure, reducing its ability to maintain elasticity and moisture. Gradually, skin loses its youthful bounce, leading to lines, wrinkles and folds, as well as a loss of skin volume and support. Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), an acid that is a bioresorbable substance, which is injected into the skin to stimulate collagenesis and provide collagen production. When injected, Sculptra microparticles are absorbed into the skin. The body identifies the microparticles as foreign substances and triggers an inflammatory response. This response stimulates fibroblasts, which are cells that produce collagen. The new collagen restores volume, improves skin texture, and reduces wrinkles. The end result is the lactic acid that becomes exposed and results in regenerative processes taking place much longer than the actual product is there.
Sculptra is injected deep in the dermis, which is where the fibroblasts form the kind of mature collagen, collagen type 1. At the same time, collagen is not the only peptide or protein being stimulated. Elastin is also stimulated and gives our skin good elasticity and tone! This combination of both collagen and elastin provides regenerative action or reversal of signs of aging!
In our opinion, the most exciting aspect of Sculptra is the volume restoration. Sculptra aids in restoring this lost facial volume, focusing on areas such as the cheeks. Treatments can help improve lines and restore a natural curve to the cheek region, while stiffening the structural base. Those of us aging and complaining of hollow cheeks and thinning faces can now enjoy a more youthful and radiant look with the use of Sculptra. A significant improvement can be noticed in reducing smile lines and softening marionette lines as well as frown lines.
Our natural results speak for themselves!
Per Dr. Alan Widgerow, Chief Scientific Officer of Galderma, there are new breakthroughs looking at Sculptra and specifically the lactic acid component. Some fat cells, adipose tissue are located in the deep dermis and produce adipokines. These adipokines have a direct effect on skin health and can stimulate pathways towards healthy fat cells. This is very exciting for the aging client and may also aid in the appearance of improved facial volume!
In conclusion, Sculptra provides long-lasting results as it gradually stimulates your body’s collagen and elastin production. Its ability to stimulate cells effectively and revamp the skin’s underlying structure sets this treatment option high on our list! Results have been reported to last more than 2 years and some sources stating over 5 years. Sculptra scores high for longevity and improved skin quality. This can also be considered a cost-effective way to treat deep lines and wrinkles. Considering Scuptra injections starting as early as your 30’s and 40’s will be the key to effectively maintaining AND restoring a youthful appearance.
Sculptra consultations are a necessity prior to beginning this treatment. The number of sessions needed will be determined based on age, needs, esthetic goals, facial structure and anatomy. Injection sessions are typically spaced a minimum of 6 weeks apart to ensure the skin has time to react and regenerate collagen and elastin molecules. Post treatment, clients may experience mild swelling and/or bruises at insertion sites. However, this subsides within a few days. Downtime is considered minimal.
As always, we are here to help. Call/text today at 413-386-8000 for your free consultation or to schedule your Sculptra!
Enjoy $100 OFF your next Sculptra Treatment
(valid through February 28, 2025)
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