"I had horrible ingrown hairs since the age of 16. I tried several over the counter and prescribed products that were geared to calm ingrown hair and none of it was successful. I went to a dermatologist and that was not helpful as well. Instead of clean shaving, I had my barber groom and clip the hair to the point that the hair would be out of the skin. That helped only to an extent.
The services that I receive from Radiance Advanced Skincare & Laser are excellent. Kelly, RN and the staff are friendly and knowledgeable. The atmosphere was very relaxing and in immaculate condition on all of my visits. I was appropriately informed about my health and care unambiguously. Kelly, RN is lovely to speak with at every appointment. It’s rare to find a medical professional that combines such personal touches and care for a patient as a person with an outstanding quality of medical care. I was searching rigorously for a place to permanently remove Pseudofolliculitis barbae (razor bumps), a common condition of the beard area which occurs in up to 60% of African American men and other people with curly hair. I trusted Kelly and after my first treatment, I was super happy. I have completed 5 treatments with no regrets. My face is smooth as silk.
I highly recommend becoming her patient. I would have no qualms recommending them. I am so glad I chose Radiance Advanced Skincare & Laser."